Friday Night’s Dinner at Hotel Soleluna


Friday night I enjoyed a memorable dinner at my hotel, for my friends Alexia and Dana’s last night at Hotel Soleluna before they headed home Saturday morning.  Both friends are staying in other parts of Italy for a few more days before flying back to Washington, D.C. and Wisconsin respectively, but this was their last night in Sorrento.  A fantastic farewell dinner at our ‘Italian residence’ for the past few months.

As we dined al fresco in perfect weather, we began our dinner with a toast to new friends, over a crisp bottle of Falanghina Feudi di San Gregorio.  In true Hotel Soleluna style, dinner was of course, 4-courses.  The first of which was an antipasti of tender long grain rice salad with artichokes, olives, tuna, red peppers, corn, and a dollop of homemade mayonnaise topped with a perfectly hard-boiled egg slice.  Next onto a pasta course of handmade cheese ravioli with a hearty tomato sauce, followed by oven-roasted sea bream with a mixed salad with peppery radishes.  And a classic Italian dessert with which to cap off the evening, cannoli—filled with perfectly sweet ricotta cheese, a drizzle of chocolate, and candied oranges for a nice citrusy addition.

Rice Salad with Artichokes, Red Peppers, Olives, & Corn

Rice Salad with Artichokes, Red Peppers, Olives, & Corn

Cheese Ravioli

Cheese Ravioli

Sea Bream with an Insalata Mista

Sea Bream with an Insalata Mista

Traditional Cannoli

Traditional Cannoli

A bittersweet ending to a great few months with great new friends; new friends that I hope to be visiting with back home very, very soon.  Their departure quickly reminds me that my own Sorrentine adventure is quickly approaching its end—only 2 more weeks of my externship in Sorrento, and then I’m off to see the rest of Italy with my husband Scott for two more weeks.  I am looking forward to opening the next chapter of my Italy adventure with Scott, but before that…Buon viaggio Alexia and Dana!

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