Mia Gita a Napoli


Overlooking the Bay of Naples

Sunday’s trip to the historic city of Naples was certainly a day trip to remember.  Let me begin by saying this: if you are to ask any tourist what the words most often times associated with Naples would be, you would hear: graffiti, pick pockets, and the real kicker, dirty.  Au contraire mio amico.  Don’t get me wrong, just like any other city with a population of at least 1 million people there are quartiere or sections of the city that you certainly don’t want to tour alone, and of because of the large population and the current economy in Italy, there are certain neighborhoods that are poorer and yes, dirtier.  But don’t let these truths discourage you from visiting questa citta particolare (unique city).

This city is filled with tons of old world charm, stunning architecture, marvelous artwork, and exceptional views.  I began the day at one of the greatest cultural masterpieces in Italy: The National Archaeological Museum.  A striking coral-colored building that houses an array of artifacts from the Vesuvian cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.  Room-upon-room of mosaics, paintings, sculpture, gem collections, and countless other artifacts that are truly breathtaking.    The room that was the most striking to me and truly as overwhelmingly beautiful was La Sala Della Meridiana; an enormous and intricately embellished ballroom that was so striking, I immediately had to sit to prevent myself from tumbling to the ground as a result of being awe-struck.  It I was a destination on this wild Italian ride I have been on for the past few months that is a permanent imprint in my mind.  It was the sort of spiritual experience that really reminds you of where you are in that very moment—an experience that soaks in to your very core.

The National Archaeological Museum

The National Archaeological Museum

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La Sala Della Meridiana

La Sala Della Meridiana


Appropriately enough, my delightful driver and tour guide to Naples, Roberto, was an art history major in college.  We spent the day chatting in Italian about the city itself and our mutual admiration of art in general.  He suggested lunch by the Bay of Naples at a nice placed named Il Posto Accanto (translation: the next seat over).  I chose a fresh insalata mista with a light balsamic vinaigrette, and a local swordfish cooked in a white wine sauce with pomodorini, and he, the classic caprese salad.  After lunch I visited La Chiesa Cattedrale di Napoli, La Palais Royal, and a perfect end to the day, a drive to the very top of Naples for a few photos of the city below and the sailboat-filled bay.

Insalata Mista

Insalata Mista

Swordfish with a White Wine Sauce and Cherry Tomatoes

Swordfish with a White Wine Sauce and Cherry Tomatoes

La Chiesa Cattedrale di Napoli

La Chiesa Cattedrale di Napoli

La Palais Royal

La Palais Royal

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Castello Nuovo in Napoli

Castello Nuovo in Napoli

The sights, sounds, and tastes that fill the grand city of Napoli are truly remarkable and like the rest of this remarkable country, incomparable.

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