Una Gita a Paestum


I am filling my free weekends while I am in Italy with as many day trips and excursions as possible.  It’s hard to sit still on the weekends when the weather is sunny and the buses and trains are ready to whisk you off to the many interesting cultural wonders of the Amalfi Coast.

This weekend I traveled to Paestum, just past the city of Salerno, which are the ruins of a city founded in the 7th century BC.  The city enjoyed approximately 1,000 years of prosperity first ruled by the Greeks, then the Lucanians, and then the Romans.  The city became abandoned with the fall of the Roman Empire and the area became swampy and uninhabited.  It wasn’t until the 18th century that the area was cleared to build a road, when what was found? Three majestic Greek temples: the Basilica, the Temple of Ceres, and the Temple of Neptune.  All still partially intact and surround by remnants of walls and houses.

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Paestum is an overwhelmingly impressive and tranquil area to walk around and explore.  The adjacent artifacts museum is a perfect pairing of artifacts, pottery, sculpture, and tomb frescoes that should not be missed.  The area itself is studded with touristy shops, small cafes, and charming restaurants to make this day trip complete.  After a couple hours of tackling the ruins, I treated myself to a tasty lunch overlooking the area at the Pizzeria Rosa.  Here I enjoyed an eggplant, zucchini, and red pepper pizza and an insalata mista.  The first of many day trips I have planned for myself over the next couple of months that I can’t wait to share with you.


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Comments: 4

  1. ML Scott April 29, 2013 at 9:07 am Reply

    MALARIA……don’t forget the malaria…. 🙂 Its why it was abandoned…..gotta include the medical factoids about the old stuff you see. Love the pics! -ML

    • Personalchef07 April 29, 2013 at 9:41 am Reply

      Ah…always blame it on malaria, right?! It was one of those gorgeous places where you just can’t stop taking photos!

      Love you,

  2. Jan Steinkamp April 29, 2013 at 12:00 pm Reply

    You are right on to see all you can while there. So much history!!
    I enjoy your blog.

    • Personalchef07 April 29, 2013 at 3:42 pm Reply

      Grazie Mrs. Jan! I can’t sit still over here because there is so much to see. :> (Did you get to see Sorrento while you were in Italy, I can’t remember if you did or not.) Cooked some wonderul food tonight that I hope to blog aout tomorrow. Hope you and Mike are doing well.


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